[Freetel-codec2] audio samples where to send?
Tom Sparks
2016-06-06 09:30:42 UTC
I have a group of audio sample that could be used to improve codec2, for
non-ham radio usage
tom sparks
x86? We ain't got no x86. We don't need no stinking x86!
David Rowe
2016-06-08 02:03:21 UTC
Hello Tom,

Perhaps you could put them on a web set for now and post the link here?

I'd like to do some work on improving Codec 2 using 3rd party samples
like yours but do not have the time or inclination right now. If anyone
would like to work on the DSP side in this area please contact me.


Post by Tom Sparks
I have a group of audio sample that could be used to improve codec2, for
non-ham radio usage
Tom Sparks
2016-06-11 16:17:04 UTC
Post by David Rowe
Hello Tom,
Perhaps you could put them on a web set for now and post the link here?
I'd like to do some work on improving Codec 2 using 3rd party samples
like yours but do not have the time or inclination right now. If anyone
would like to work on the DSP side in this area please contact me.
Post by Tom Sparks
I have a group of audio sample that could be used to improve codec2, for
non-ham radio usage
I've upload the 3 audio samples inside of a zip file to my dropbox account

tom sparks
x86? We ain't got no x86. We don't need no stinking x86!