Sure help with the waveform documentation would be great. We can get
cohpsk modem, to support the 700C FreeDV mode I am developing. Much
more fun than re-implementing an existing waveform.
Post by Phil FrostThanks David, that explains so much. I was really scratching my head for
a while trying to figure out why it wouldn't sync :)
If I wanted to update the description after I hash out the details and
get my implementation working, what would be the best way to do that?
Hello Phil,
Good question, and actually took me a while to remember why the two sync
carrier lines are just 25 Hz apart.
FreeDV 1600 uses a symbol rate of Rs=50 symbols/s for each of the 17
carriers, including the central DBPSK sync carrier. Note that we are
using Differential PSK (DPSK) - not PSK.
The start of a 40ms codec frame is indicated by a change in phase in the
DPSK sync carrier, so for example this sequence of phases (in radians)
... pi pi -pi -pi pi pi -pi -pi .....
Note the _change_ in phase every 2 symbols (40ms), indicating codec
frame sync.
The cosine of the sequence of phases above is ....1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1
.... which (when up sampled and filtered) approximates a sampled sine
wave of frequency Rs/4 (takes 4 symbols to repeat). So using this Rs/4
frequency sequence to modulate the center carrier at frequency fc we get
s(t) = cos(2*pi*t*fc)*cos(2*pi*t*Rs/4)
s(t) = 0.5*cos(2*pi*t*(fc+Rs/4) + 0.5*cos(2*pi*t(fc-Rs/4)
which is two sine waves Rs/2 = 25Hz apart.
The BPSK sync carrier sends alternating ...101010...., this a modulating
signal that takes two symbol periods to repeat. So it's frequency is
Rs/2 or 25Hz.
= 0.5*cos(2*pi*t(fcentre+Rs/2) + 0.5*cos(2*pi*t(fcentre-Rs/2)
which should look like two sine waves Rs apart
Post by Phil FrostI've been working on an independent implementation of the FDMDV
modem as
Post by Phil Frosta personal exercise. As I understood the description*, the central
Post by Phil Frostsubcarrier should be at a symbol rate of 50 per second, but looking at
the tone spacing it's too narrow: but a 25 symbols per second seems to
line up. Am I overlooking something or is the sync subcarrier
really at
Post by Phil Frost25 sym/sec?
Post by Phil Frost_______________________________________________
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