One project I'd like to work on is custom RF hardware for open source
telemetry - a tx module would be a good start. If anyone would like to
work on this with me, pls contact me. We've proven that we can meet or
next step is to come up with competitive hardware.
UART with start/stop bits - which is effectively 2/10 bits wasted.
Post by Mark JessopRadio Module: Yes, it's a RFM98W on a UpuTronics shield. TX data
straight from the UART into DIO2, bypassing all the packet handling
stuff. I have been using LoRa modules for other balloon telemetry
(command and control), so I just modified some of the shields I already
had to add the line between the RPi's TXD and the RFM98W's DIO2 line.
I did actually start out using RFM22B modules, as I wasn't initially
aware the RFM98W's could do the direct-async thing. They have the same
footprint as the RFM98W modules, hence I still had them soldered down to
a LoRa shield. I think that's whats shown in one of the presentation photos.
I'm only using these kinds of modules because it was the easiest way to
transmit FSK at 115kbaud at short notice. If anyone has any better
alternatives I'm all ears! I suspect moving to something like 4FSK is
going to require me to offload packet buffering and modulation onto
something that actually does operate in realtime.
- Mark
Hi David,
I'll let Mark VK5QI field these questions - as he developed all the
aspects covered by your questions below.
I should point out that Wenet is a joint effort of many people. While I
did some modem and integration work, Mark developed the payload software
and hardware, Bill VK5DSP designed the LDPC code, and Brady KC9TPA
ported the FSK Modem to C. The Wenet payloads are launched and tracked
as part of http/// <> club High
Altitude Balloon (HAB)
Post by David RanchHello David,
I did read your blog entry, the associated WeNet presentation, and the
Wenet github page. It all sounds fascinating but it was very high
Post by David Ranchon the TX side (just highly brushed over). I'd love to see a higher
- Which FSK TX board were you using? It looks like it's based on a
RFM98W RoRA board which might be soldered onto another Rpi HATT board
(hard to tell from the 2016_11_wenet_presentation.pdf but maybe that's
the FSK modem sitting on top of another Hab Supplies board?
- This design seemed to be uni-directional but do you think it
Post by David Ranchbe hard to make bidirectional? The current design seems to take a
picture, apply FEC, etc. and then send in batch.
- Did you ever measure the current draw when transmitting?
- There is very little detail on the antenna you used. Did you
Post by David Ranchuse a dipole? Maybe more of a panel design?
- Thanks for all the work in publishing the details at
Post by David Ranch--David
Post by David Rowe100's of kHz wide. For FSK you need about the symbol rate spacing
between tones, so for 2FSK at 115 kbit/s, the tones are spaced at
115kHz-ish, plus a bit more, think we use 400 kHz separation in
Post by David RanchPost by David RoweYes we only managed these fine results through very careful
Post by David RanchPost by David Roweand deliberately avoiding the common trap or re-using legacy FM
radio kit.
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