For example, the rule is:
sm1000.elf: $(SM1000_SRCS:.c=.O3.o) src/stm32f4_dac.O3.o \
src/stm32f4_adc.O3.o libstm32f4.a
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -O3 $^ -o $@ $(LIBPATHS) $(LIBS)
Which says it needs SM1000_SRCS, src/stm32f4_dac.O3.o,
src/stm32f4_adc.O3.o, libstm32f4.a
Working backwards, we find, just above this rule, the dac and adc build
rules which are single files, and then above those you see SM1000_SRCS is
made up of a list of file + CODEC2_SRCS
src/sm1000_main.c \
src/tone.c \
src/sfx.c \
src/sounds.c \
src/morse.c \
src/menu.c \
src/tot.c \
src/sm1000_leds_switches.c \
../src/fifo.c \
src/debugblinky.c \
src/system_stm32f4xx.c \
src/startup_stm32f4xx.s \
src/stm32f4_vrom.c \
Way up you'll find CODEC2_SRCS
$(CODEC2_SRC)/lpc.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/nlp.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/postfilter.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/sine.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/codec2.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/kiss_fft.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/kiss_fftr.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/interp.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/lsp.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/phase.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/quantise.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/pack.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/codebook.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/codebookd.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/codebookjvm.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/codebookge.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/dump.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/fdmdv.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/freedv_api.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/varicode.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/golay23.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/fsk.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/fmfsk.c \
$(CODEC2_SRC)/freedv_vhf_framing.c \
I use an IDE myself, but had to use Makefiles back in the PDP-11 days :-)
Thanks for that Steve,
That should help heaps.
I'm not up to speed with make files because I usually work in and IDE
which take care of this.
By being able to just place the files I need in a suitable folder I will
be able to much eaiser import this code into an IDE where I can begin to
work on it.
Dave had pointed to the make file but wasn't sure of the specific rule.
Again thank you for your help Steve.
The necessary files are in the stm32/Makefile
Look at the rule for sm1000.elf and work backwards. Were it I, I would
copy the Makefile and edit out the builds you don't need.
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