[Freetel-codec2] Codec2 for STM32
Marat Galyamov
2016-07-20 10:46:15 UTC

I want to use Codec2 for STM32 (I want to try it on Discovery board).

I  downloaded source texts from website, but I don't understand what
files need to be included to my project. Help please!

I use CubeMX and HAL libraries from ST, a development environment - IAR.

I ask to excuse me for my English.

Marat Galyamov
David Rowe
2016-07-20 22:40:58 UTC
Hello Marat,

The stm32 support for Codec 2 uses a Makefile and command line Linux
tools. There is a README in the stm32 diectory. The sm1000 target would
be a good starting point.

It's possible to use other tools for compiling however I can't offer any
support for those.


Post by Marat Galyamov
I want to use Codec2 for STM32 (I want to try it on Discovery board).
I downloaded source texts from website, but I don't understand what
files need to be included to my project. Help please!
I use CubeMX and HAL libraries from ST, a development environment - IAR.
I ask to excuse me for my English.
Marat Galyamov
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity planning
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Alan Beard
2016-07-21 10:40:59 UTC
Could I ask something that would be useful to amateur radio people
like myself?

The Arduino DUE board is based on an ST ARM chip.

Check out the MMDVM project.

Yes, I know the radios in use there are standard VHF and UHF radios
but there will be a few who use an all-mode radio that can do SSB (or AM)
and with an output of the mode, could switch to that mode.

Post by Marat Galyamov
I want to use Codec2 for STM32 (I want to try it on Discovery board).
I downloaded source texts from website, but I don't understand whatfiles need to be included to my project. Help please!I use CubeMX and HAL libraries from ST, a development environment - IAR.I ask to excuse me for my English.Thanks!
Marat Galyamov

Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
Consider Jesus.
Alan Beard               Unix Support Technician from 1984 to today
70 Wedmore Rd.           Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux, SCO, MIPS
Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750  Routers, terminal servers, printers, terminals etc..
+61 2 47353013 (h)       Support Programming, shell scripting, "C", assembler
0414 353013 (mobile)     After uni, electronics tech
Marat Galyamov
2016-07-21 11:08:58 UTC
Alan, I have a board of Diskaveri on which there are a microphone and a DAC. I want to squeeze a voice from the microphone by means of the codec. But I don't understand yet what files should be taken from the src folder to add them to the project.
Post by Alan Beard
Could I ask something that would be useful to amateur radio people
like myself?
The Arduino DUE board is based on an ST ARM chip.
Check out the MMDVM project.
Yes, I know the radios in use there are standard VHF and UHF radios
but there will be a few who use an all-mode radio that can do SSB (or AM)
and with an output of the mode, could switch to that mode.
Post by Marat Galyamov
I want to use Codec2 for STM32 (I want to try it on Discovery board).
Post by Marat Galyamov
I  downloaded source texts from
website, but I don't understand what
Post by Alan Beard
files need to be included to my project. Help please!
I use CubeMX and HAL libraries from ST, a development environment - IAR.
I ask to excuse me for my English.
Post by Marat Galyamov
Post by Alan Beard
Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
Consider Jesus.
Alan Beard               Unix Support
Technician from 1984 to today
Post by Alan Beard
70 Wedmore Rd.           Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux, SCO, MIPS
Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750  Routers, terminal servers, printers, terminals etc..
+61 2 47353013 ( h)       Support Programming, shell scripting,
"C", assembler
Post by Alan Beard
0414 353013 (mobile)     After uni, electronics
Post by Alan Beard
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity planning
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Alan Beard
2016-07-21 12:08:28 UTC
Hi Marat,

I do not come from a Programmer background. I did Fortran and Algol
in my university years as part of an Electronics course, well before "C"
and "C++" were invented. I later did quite a lot with Z80 machine code.

So, my expertise here is not good. (and my time is limited)

What I ask is that you consider the use of your work to others.
So, I mention the readily available Arduino board, the DUE and
the project MMDVM as a starting framework.


Alan Beard 
Post by Marat Galyamov
Alan, I have a board of Diskaveri on which there are a microphone and a DAC. I want to squeeze a voice from the microphone by means of the codec. But I don't understand yet what files should be taken from the src folder to add them to the project.
Could I ask something that would be useful to amateur radio people
like myself?
The Arduino DUE board is based on an ST ARM chip.
Check out the MMDVM project.
Yes, I know the radios in use there are standard VHF and UHF radios
but there will be a few who use an all-mode radio that can do SSB (or AM)
and with an output of the mode, could switch to that mode.
Post by Marat Galyamov
I want to use Codec2 for STM32 (I want to try it on Discovery board).
I downloaded source texts from website, but I don't understand whatfiles need to be included to my project. Help please!I use CubeMX and HAL libraries from ST, a development environment - IAR.I ask to excuse me for my English.Thanks!
Marat Galyamov
Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
Consider Jesus.
Alan Beard               Unix Support Technician from 1984 to today
70 Wedmore Rd.           Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux, SCO, MIPS
Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750  Routers, terminal servers, printers, terminals etc..
+61 2 47353013 (h)       Support Programming, shell scripting, "C", assembler
0414 353013 (mobile)     After uni, electronics tech
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity planning
Freetel-codec2 mailing list

Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
Consider Jesus.
Alan Beard               Unix Support Technician from 1984 to today
70 Wedmore Rd.           Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux, SCO, MIPS
Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750  Routers, terminal servers, printers, terminals etc..
+61 2 47353013 (h)       Support Programming, shell scripting, "C", assembler
0414 353013 (mobile)     After uni, electronics tech
Brady O'Brien
2016-07-21 21:29:27 UTC
Hi Alan,

It probably wouldn't be possible to run codec2 on the Arduino DUE, as the
Cortex M3 based microcontroller lacks a floating point unit. Codec2 and the
rest of the freedv stack make heavy use of floating point.


Brady O'Brien
Post by Alan Beard
Could I ask something that would be useful to amateur radio people
like myself?
The Arduino DUE board is based on an ST ARM chip.
Check out the MMDVM project.
Yes, I know the radios in use there are standard VHF and UHF radios
but there will be a few who use an all-mode radio that can do SSB (or AM)
and with an output of the mode, could switch to that mode.
*On Wed, 20 Jul 2016 13:46:15 +0300, Marat Galyamov wrote*
Post by Marat Galyamov
I want to use Codec2 for STM32 (I want to try it on Discovery board).
Post by Marat Galyamov
I downloaded source texts from website, but I don't understand what
files need to be included to my project. Help please!
I use CubeMX and HAL libraries from ST, a development environment - IAR.
I ask to excuse me for my English.
Post by Marat Galyamov
Marat Galyamov
Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
Consider Jesus.
Alan Beard Unix Support Technician from 1984 to today
70 Wedmore Rd. Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux, SCO, MIPS
Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750 Routers, terminal servers, printers, terminals
+61 2 47353013 (h) Support Programming, shell scripting, "C",
0414 353013 (mobile) After uni, electronics tech
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
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