HelloThank you so much for your prompt response I have unpacked the arm-gcc  and edit the makefile bin path variable in stm32 folder for tool chain location  and make it again but it does not recognize it . please tell after downloading tool chain should i install it also ?? I am new to linux and also to this project so I am unable to understand it much. need your helpÂ
 Hi how are you . I am doing a project of voice encoding and decoding
 using sm1000 board. Currently I donot have havdrware or any thing but
 for my own practice i am following your codec2
 . Trying to resolve the following error in build codec 2 unit test
You seem to have forgotten the error message here.
 In Makefile: edit the BINPATH variable for your toolchain location
         edit PERIPHLIBVER for the current version of the peripheral
          library, currently V1.3.0
         delete power_ut.elf target from the all: target
Hmmm, seems those instructions need a minor update:
- there's no need to delete power_ut.elf from anything
- PERIPHLIBVER unfortunately keeps changing due to ST having the
unfortunate habit of not including a version number in the URL where the
peripheral library is kept. So you wind up downloading the "latest"
version, whose top-level directory changes with each version. Hence the
only way to know is to manually unzip the file you download and have a
look. The top-level directory will have _${PERIPHLIBVER} appended to
the name.
- BINPATH is now set in a file called 'local.mak' which you create. The
exact path depends on where you unpacked `arm-gcc`, in my case I placed
it under /opt/gcc-arm-... Alternatively, you can set CROSS_COMPILE
(which is the Linux kernel convention):
These two snippets are identical. If you look in the Makefile, any
variable set with ?= can be overridden in local.mak, or set as an
environment variable.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)
I haven't lost my mind...
 ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.