[Freetel-codec2] codec2 / stm32/ readme .txt help required
arooj naz
2016-01-20 06:16:01 UTC
Hi  how are you . I am doing a project of voice encoding and decoding using sm1000 board. Currently I donot have havdrware or any thing but for my own practice i am following your codec2/stm32/README.txt . Trying to resolve the following error in build codec 2 unit test

In Makefile: edit the BINPATH variable for your toolchain location
edit PERIPHLIBVER for the current version of the peripheral
library, currently V1.3.0
delete power_ut.elf target from the all: target
kindly guide me how to edit the BINPATH variable for tool chain location
Waiting for your response .I am new to this project kindly guide me .
RegardsArooj Naz
Stuart Longland
2016-01-20 18:53:20 UTC
Hi how are you . I am doing a project of voice encoding and decoding
using sm1000 board. Currently I donot have havdrware or any thing but
for my own practice i am following your codec2
. Trying to resolve the following error in build codec 2 unit test
You seem to have forgotten the error message here.
In Makefile: edit the BINPATH variable for your toolchain location
edit PERIPHLIBVER for the current version of the peripheral
library, currently V1.3.0
delete power_ut.elf target from the all: target
Hmmm, seems those instructions need a minor update:

- there's no need to delete power_ut.elf from anything

- PERIPHLIBVER unfortunately keeps changing due to ST having the
unfortunate habit of not including a version number in the URL where the
peripheral library is kept. So you wind up downloading the "latest"
version, whose top-level directory changes with each version. Hence the
only way to know is to manually unzip the file you download and have a
look. The top-level directory will have _${PERIPHLIBVER} appended to
the name.

- BINPATH is now set in a file called 'local.mak' which you create. The
exact path depends on where you unpacked `arm-gcc`, in my case I placed
it under /opt/gcc-arm-... Alternatively, you can set CROSS_COMPILE
(which is the Linux kernel convention):



These two snippets are identical. If you look in the Makefile, any
variable set with ?= can be overridden in local.mak, or set as an
environment variable.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.
Stuart Longland
2016-01-20 19:01:57 UTC
Hi how are you . I am doing a project of voice encoding and decoding
using sm1000 board. Currently I donot have havdrware or any thing but
for my own practice i am following your codec2
Just noticed this… worth pointing out that the official source for this
is in Subversion on SourceForge. The git repositories are third-party
and likely to be behind somewhat.

The commit log on that project seems to suggest it is *very* far behind.

Here's where you should be looking:

If you must use git, I have a mirror:
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.
Joel Stanley
2016-03-24 06:04:38 UTC
On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 5:31 AM, Stuart Longland
Post by Stuart Longland
The commit log on that project seems to suggest it is *very* far behind.
Yeah. Since I moved house, the cron job that used to update the mirror
has not been running. I noticed this when Mark came around the other

I'll set it back up in The Cloud to reduce the likelihood of this
happening again.


Stuart Longland
2016-03-24 10:28:43 UTC
Post by Joel Stanley
On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 5:31 AM, Stuart Longland
Post by Stuart Longland
The commit log on that project seems to suggest it is *very* far behind.
Yeah. Since I moved house, the cron job that used to update the mirror
has not been running. I noticed this when Mark came around the other
I'll set it back up in The Cloud to reduce the likelihood of this
happening again.
No biggie. As it happens I've had very little time for FreeDV stuff.

Things were busy, then a colleague of mine was riding to work, lost
control of his bicycle and crashed, dying from his injuries a fortnight
later. (I believe, first fatality on the Go Between Bridge here in

So we've had to pick up his workload, and things have gotten busy during
the week, with my weekends spent researching brain injury and looking in
physics books with a view to improving things so the same accident does
not happen again.

I see lots has happened, and I do intend to return to FreeDV work. It's
good to see the project moving ahead so fast. :-)

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.
arooj naz
2016-01-21 04:48:23 UTC
HelloThank you so much for your prompt response I have unpacked the arm-gcc  and edit the makefile bin path variable in stm32 folder for tool chain location  and make it again but it does not recognize it . please tell after downloading tool chain should i install it also ?? I am new to linux and also to this project so I am unable to understand it much. need your help 
  Hi  how are you . I am doing a project of voice encoding and decoding
  using sm1000 board. Currently I donot have havdrware or any thing but
  for my own practice i am following your codec2
  . Trying to resolve the following error in build codec 2 unit test
You seem to have forgotten the error message here.
  In Makefile: edit the BINPATH variable for your toolchain location
                  edit PERIPHLIBVER for the current version of the peripheral
                    library, currently V1.3.0
                  delete power_ut.elf target from the all: target
Hmmm, seems those instructions need a minor update:

- there's no need to delete power_ut.elf from anything

- PERIPHLIBVER unfortunately keeps changing due to ST having the
unfortunate habit of not including a version number in the URL where the
peripheral library is kept.  So you wind up downloading the "latest"
version, whose top-level directory changes with each version.  Hence the
only way to know is to manually unzip the file you download and have a
look.  The top-level directory will have _${PERIPHLIBVER} appended to
the name.

- BINPATH is now set in a file called 'local.mak' which you create.  The
exact path depends on where you unpacked `arm-gcc`, in my case I placed
it under /opt/gcc-arm-... Alternatively, you can set CROSS_COMPILE
(which is the Linux kernel convention):



These two snippets are identical.  If you look in the Makefile, any
variable set with ?= can be overridden in local.mak, or set as an
environment variable.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.