The BSD was just a thought experiment, please do not worry. I am very well aware
of the importance of keeping this code open and ensure it *stays* open.
would have helped.
Code, well, is only one possible implementation and has some added complexities.
from A to Z...
achieve this goal.
previously published by Steve, and the Octave scripts.
I am not interested in a rewrite for the sake of changing the licence. This
version is exactly what I think is interesting. This fits in my wider personal
plans. And if I ever write something like this, it will be GPL licenced.
Thank you to everyone.
Post by Bruce PerensThe codec is LGPL, not GPL. You have a right to read it and do not have to
reverse-engineer it, but do not cut and paste the code or its _structure_ if
you want to avoid David's copyright. If you want to do something useful rather
than just a BSD version of LGPL code, make it fixed-point instead of float.
I understand the value of the source code, but for me at least, that would
like to mantain a java and a as3 version of the codec, the lack of
specification was also the reason to not trying to do it at all.
I saw maybe two attempts of java versions, but I did not bother to look at
1 - There was no way to see if it was correct without I reading the
original C source code
2 - They would be deprecated in minutes, because the code is always
evolving and there is not a "version" number with specifics implementation
See, if it is trouble for you, that own the code, and made it, to mantain
the specification of a "moving target", imagine for five or six
implementers, that are more interested in using your code, than
understanding it.
Without a specification we cant even say, at all, if it is hard or easy to
implement it in any other language.
I know it is fun to keep the development forever, but codec2 maybe coulda
be codec2.1, codec2.2, codec2.3, etc...:)
[]s, Ricardo Mello
Post by Sebastien F4GRXIs there somewhere a detailed specification of codec2 that would allow
implementation from scratch without looking at the current code?
Thinking about it, my preference is to express the Codec in source code.
I've implemented speech codecs in the past from written specifications
and it's a messy business. Plus a maintenance nightmare to keep the
specification and code aligned.
- David
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