Phil Frost
2016-09-20 01:50:02 UTC
I've heard there's a 700C mode being developed. I can't promise to be
useful, but I'd like to help. I can't find much information on it though,
besides a blog post[1] that mentions it indirectly. Is there some code I
should check out?
And more generally, what kind of help would be most useful? Ample
programming experience here, but nothing specific to radio. Hoping to learn
though. And I have a humble HF station for on-air testing if that's of any
useful, but I'd like to help. I can't find much information on it though,
besides a blog post[1] that mentions it indirectly. Is there some code I
should check out?
And more generally, what kind of help would be most useful? Ample
programming experience here, but nothing specific to radio. Hoping to learn
though. And I have a humble HF station for on-air testing if that's of any