[Freetel-codec2] codec2-dev/stm32 make
2016-05-21 14:28:05 UTC
Problem: No Worky

Solution: Edit Makefile

At Line 35 delete the '/' on the end which results in a double slash
At Line 37 change the version number.

The resulting Lines 35 to 37 should look like:

PERIPHLIBZIP = stm32f4_dsp_stdperiph_lib.zip

This then allows the Make to complete without error.


glen english
2016-05-22 22:25:32 UTC
Anyone using the STM32F7 (like I am on my new codec2 board) be sure to
read the chip errata and migration sheet.

there are some bugs with the silicon that affect triggering of the ADCs
from the timers (essential) .

There are reasonable workarounds. You'll save yourself a day by reading
the errata first...
The silicon errata/bugs are non trivial, also....

In addition, the ADC trigger TRGO defines are different.. ensure you
read the migration sheet.

The M4 startup code may not work for M7 despite it being "binary
compatible", there are NOPs inserted between cpu controls and you need
more NOPs between setting a function and using it. (deeper longer

apart from that, the M7 beats the pants off the M4 for identical code !

glen VK1XX
David Rowe
2016-05-22 23:07:56 UTC
Thanks for the heads up Glen - gd to see we have an upgrade path. Will
you be shoing yr new board off at Gippstech? I hope to have the SM2000
doing something" by then.

- David
Post by glen english
Anyone using the STM32F7 (like I am on my new codec2 board) be sure to
read the chip errata and migration sheet.
there are some bugs with the silicon that affect triggering of the ADCs
from the timers (essential) .
There are reasonable workarounds. You'll save yourself a day by reading
the errata first...
The silicon errata/bugs are non trivial, also....
In addition, the ADC trigger TRGO defines are different.. ensure you
read the migration sheet.
The M4 startup code may not work for M7 despite it being "binary
compatible", there are NOPs inserted between cpu controls and you need
more NOPs between setting a function and using it. (deeper longer
apart from that, the M7 beats the pants off the M4 for identical code !
glen VK1XX
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
glen english
2016-05-22 23:24:43 UTC
mmm maybe I'll show it......yes maybe. got to get other work out of the
way Hopefully I will have my pick and place machine online by then.....

F7 is also much more complex in the memory department if you want to get
the best out of it.
many different paths between the memories and the processor. many
different memories on board...

You can run it in 'basic mode' and still get reasonable improvement for
"general purpose code' in performance over F4. Dual issue micro and deep
pipeline seems to reap benefits, and power consumption very reasonable.

But... !

I would only recommend the upgrade if have your wits about you.... It's
also a fair extra $.

If you are not already using the CMSIS optimised DSP libraries, then you
might get 2:1 on your existing DSP code, also without going to M7 just
by using the optimized libs.

Post by David Rowe
Thanks for the heads up Glen - gd to see we have an upgrade path. Will
you be shoing yr new board off at Gippstech? I hope to have the SM2000
doing something" by then.
- David
Post by glen english
Anyone using the STM32F7 (like I am on my new codec2 board) be sure to
read the chip errata and migration sheet.
there are some bugs with the silicon that affect triggering of the ADCs
from the timers (essential) .
There are reasonable workarounds. You'll save yourself a day by reading
the errata first...
The silicon errata/bugs are non trivial, also....
In addition, the ADC trigger TRGO defines are different.. ensure you
read the migration sheet.
The M4 startup code may not work for M7 despite it being "binary
compatible", there are NOPs inserted between cpu controls and you need
more NOPs between setting a function and using it. (deeper longer
apart from that, the M7 beats the pants off the M4 for identical code !
glen VK1XX
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Alan Beard
2016-05-25 07:12:23 UTC
Thanks for the info.
I'm about to use the Arduino DUE (M4) for mmdvm.
The CMSIS library is used for MMDVM.

Could we add the Codec2 code?

(well we have P25, D-Star, Fusion, DMR, why not add another)

Post by glen english
mmm maybe I'll show it......yes maybe. got to get other work out of
the way Hopefully I will have my pick and place machine online by then.....
F7 is also much more complex in the memory department if you want to
get the best out of it. many different paths between the memories
and the processor. many different memories on board...
You can run it in 'basic mode' and still get reasonable improvement
for "general purpose code' in performance over F4. Dual issue micro
and deep pipeline seems to reap benefits, and power consumption very
But... !
I would only recommend the upgrade if have your wits about you....
It's also a fair extra $.
If you are not already using the CMSIS optimised DSP libraries, then
you might get 2:1 on your existing DSP code, also without going to
M7 just by using the optimized libs.
Post by David Rowe
Thanks for the heads up Glen - gd to see we have an upgrade path. Will
you be shoing yr new board off at Gippstech? I hope to have the SM2000
doing something" by then.
- David
Post by glen english
Anyone using the STM32F7 (like I am on my new codec2 board) be sure to
read the chip errata and migration sheet.
there are some bugs with the silicon that affect triggering of the ADCs
from the timers (essential) .
There are reasonable workarounds. You'll save yourself a day by reading
the errata first...
The silicon errata/bugs are non trivial, also....
In addition, the ADC trigger TRGO defines are different.. ensure you
read the migration sheet.
The M4 startup code may not work for M7 despite it being "binary
compatible", there are NOPs inserted between cpu controls and you need
more NOPs between setting a function and using it. (deeper longer
apart from that, the M7 beats the pants off the M4 for identical code !
glen VK1XX
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
Post by glen english
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees
who bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the
imposition of MDM restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows
you to control only the apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them,
leaving personal data untouched!
Post by glen english
Freetel-codec2 mailing list

Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
Consider Jesus.
Alan Beard Unix Support Technician from 1984 to today
70 Wedmore Rd. Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux, SCO, MIPS
Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750 Routers, terminal servers, printers, terminals etc..
+61 2 47353013 (h) Support Programming, shell scripting, "C", assembler
0414 353013 (mobile) After uni, electronics tech
glen english
2016-05-25 07:43:37 UTC
Hi Alan
someone else will have to answer that- I am not familiar with MMDVM, and
I know nothing about Arduino..

Post by Alan Beard
Thanks for the info.
I'm about to use the Arduino DUE (M4) for mmdvm.
The CMSIS library is used for MMDVM.
Could we add the Codec2 code?
(well we have P25, D-Star, Fusion, DMR, why not add another)
Post by glen english
mmm maybe I'll show it......yes maybe. got to get other work out of
the way Hopefully I will have my pick and place machine online by then.....
F7 is also much more complex in the memory department if you want to
get the best out of it. many different paths between the memories
and the processor. many different memories on board...
You can run it in 'basic mode' and still get reasonable improvement
for "general purpose code' in performance over F4. Dual issue micro
and deep pipeline seems to reap benefits, and power consumption very
But... !
I would only recommend the upgrade if have your wits about you....
It's also a fair extra $.
If you are not already using the CMSIS optimised DSP libraries, then
you might get 2:1 on your existing DSP code, also without going to
M7 just by using the optimized libs.
Post by David Rowe
Thanks for the heads up Glen - gd to see we have an upgrade path. Will
you be shoing yr new board off at Gippstech? I hope to have the SM2000
doing something" by then.
- David
Post by glen english
Anyone using the STM32F7 (like I am on my new codec2 board) be sure to
read the chip errata and migration sheet.
there are some bugs with the silicon that affect triggering of the ADCs
from the timers (essential) .
There are reasonable workarounds. You'll save yourself a day by reading
the errata first...
The silicon errata/bugs are non trivial, also....
In addition, the ADC trigger TRGO defines are different.. ensure you
read the migration sheet.
The M4 startup code may not work for M7 despite it being "binary
compatible", there are NOPs inserted between cpu controls and you need
more NOPs between setting a function and using it. (deeper longer
apart from that, the M7 beats the pants off the M4 for identical code !
glen VK1XX
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
Post by glen english
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees
who bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the
imposition of MDM restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows
you to control only the apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them,
leaving personal data untouched!
Post by glen english
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
Consider Jesus.
Alan Beard Unix Support Technician from 1984 to today
70 Wedmore Rd. Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux, SCO, MIPS
Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750 Routers, terminal servers, printers, terminals etc..
+61 2 47353013 (h) Support Programming, shell scripting, "C", assembler
0414 353013 (mobile) After uni, electronics tech
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Jeroen Vreeken
2016-05-25 08:11:47 UTC
Post by Alan Beard
Thanks for the info.
I'm about to use the Arduino DUE (M4) for mmdvm.
The CMSIS library is used for MMDVM.
Could we add the Codec2 code?
You will probably run into problems since the DUE cpu has no floating
point. (And if it did, the 84MHz clock would probably be challenging)
Post by Alan Beard
(well we have P25, D-Star, Fusion, DMR, why not add another)
I am assuming you use an external codec for those?

Jeroen PE1RXQ
Shane Burrell
2016-05-25 10:45:44 UTC
The DUE likely doesn't have the horsepower. I've seen the MMDVM mentioned
in passing but going to the website the code doesn't seem to be availible
or licensing.
Post by Alan Beard
Thanks for the info.
I'm about to use the Arduino DUE (M4) for mmdvm.
The CMSIS library is used for MMDVM.
Could we add the Codec2 code?
(well we have P25, D-Star, Fusion, DMR, why not add another)
Post by glen english
mmm maybe I'll show it......yes maybe. got to get other work out of
the way Hopefully I will have my pick and place machine online by
Post by glen english
F7 is also much more complex in the memory department if you want to
get the best out of it. many different paths between the memories
and the processor. many different memories on board...
You can run it in 'basic mode' and still get reasonable improvement
for "general purpose code' in performance over F4. Dual issue micro
and deep pipeline seems to reap benefits, and power consumption very
But... !
I would only recommend the upgrade if have your wits about you....
It's also a fair extra $.
If you are not already using the CMSIS optimised DSP libraries, then
you might get 2:1 on your existing DSP code, also without going to
M7 just by using the optimized libs.
Post by David Rowe
Thanks for the heads up Glen - gd to see we have an upgrade path. Will
you be shoing yr new board off at Gippstech? I hope to have the SM2000
doing something" by then.
- David
Post by glen english
Anyone using the STM32F7 (like I am on my new codec2 board) be sure to
read the chip errata and migration sheet.
there are some bugs with the silicon that affect triggering of the
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
Post by glen english
from the timers (essential) .
There are reasonable workarounds. You'll save yourself a day by
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
Post by glen english
the errata first...
The silicon errata/bugs are non trivial, also....
In addition, the ADC trigger TRGO defines are different.. ensure you
read the migration sheet.
The M4 startup code may not work for M7 despite it being "binary
compatible", there are NOPs inserted between cpu controls and you need
more NOPs between setting a function and using it. (deeper longer
apart from that, the M7 beats the pants off the M4 for identical code
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
Post by glen english
glen VK1XX
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
Post by glen english
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
Post by glen english
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
Post by glen english
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
Post by glen english
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data
Post by glen english
Post by David Rowe
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Post by glen english
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees
who bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the
imposition of MDM restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows
you to control only the apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them,
leaving personal data untouched!
Post by glen english
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
Consider Jesus.
Alan Beard Unix Support Technician from 1984 to today
70 Wedmore Rd. Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux, SCO, MIPS
Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750 Routers, terminal servers, printers, terminals etc..
+61 2 47353013 (h) Support Programming, shell scripting, "C", assembler
0414 353013 (mobile) After uni, electronics tech
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
glen english
2016-05-25 11:27:23 UTC
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
Alan Beard
2016-06-01 12:16:39 UTC
Don't we have two DSP areas here:

1) Speech analysis ending up with a digital "representation" of the voice and, later regenerating the "voice".

2) Modulation and Demodulation of digital-audio to/from the radio.


In the MMDVM and MMDVMHost project, we have two "computers", the DUE and the Raspberry Pi.

Q/   Do we need Floating Point in #2 DSP area, as above ?

I'm very happy with using two "computers" as in the DUE and a Pi clone.
(For me, the Banana Pi with a SATA disk wins hands down. Now 120G SSD.)

So I looked up what a "Arduino DUE" is
DUE is a cortex M3 based unit. no floating point unit, butreasonably capable of floating point library but not int he volumerequired but I'd have to say, unlikely to work without a TON ofwork.
CortexM3 is OK for (work already done) fixed point reference designcodecs, but not this one.
you'd be highly recommended to get codec2 running on the STMF4discovery $15 or STMF7 $80 discovery board.
(unless you want a project for the summer- fixed point port ofcodec2.....)
there seems to be a bit of arduino STM32 F4 activity in thestm32duino forum
good luck
Glen English VK1XX
The DUE likely doesn't have the horsepower.  I'veseen the MMDVM mentioned in passing but going to the website thecode doesn't seem to be availible or licensing.  
Thanks forthe info.
 I'm about to use the Arduino DUE (M4) for mmdvm.
 The CMSIS library is used for MMDVM.
 Could we add the Codec2 code?
 (well we have P25, D-Star, Fusion, DMR, why not addanother)
mmm maybe I'll show it......yes maybe. got to get otherwork out of
the way Hopefully I will have my pick and place machineonline by then.....
F7 is also much more complex in the memory departmentif you want to
get the best out of it. many different paths betweenthe memories
and the processor. many different memories on board...
You can run it in 'basic mode' and still get reasonableimprovement
for "general purpose code' in performance over F4. Dualissue micro
and deep pipeline seems to reap benefits, and powerconsumption very
But... !
I would only recommend the upgrade if have your witsabout you....
It's also a fair extra $.
If you are not already using the CMSIS optimised DSPlibraries, then
you might get 2:1 on your existing DSP code, alsowithout going to
M7 just by using the optimized libs.
Thanks for the heads up Glen - gd to see we havean upgrade path.  Will
you be shoing yr new board off at Gippstech?  Ihope to have the SM2000
doing something" by then.
- David
Anyone using the STM32F7 (like I am on my newcodec2 board) be sure to
read the chip errata and migration sheet.
there are some bugs with the silicon thataffect triggering of the ADCs
from the timers (essential) .
There are reasonable workarounds. You'll saveyourself a day by reading
the errata first...
The silicon errata/bugs are non trivial,also....
In addition, the ADC trigger TRGO defines aredifferent.. ensure you
read the migration sheet.
The M4  startup code may not work for M7despite it being "binary
compatible", there are NOPs inserted betweencpu controls and you need
more NOPs between setting a function and usingit. (deeper longer
apart from that, the M7 beats the pants offthe M4 for identical code !
glen VK1XX
Mobile security can be enabling, not merelyrestricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work areirked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plusallows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them,leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Mobile security can be enabling, not merelyrestricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irkedby the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allowsyou to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them,leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Mobile security can be enabling, not merelyrestricting. Employees
who bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked bythe
imposition of MDM restrictions. Mobile Device ManagerPlus allows
you to control only the apps on BYO-devices bycontainerizing them,
  leaving personal data untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
Consider Jesus.
Alan Beard               Unix Support Technician from 1984to today
70 Wedmore Rd.           Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux,SCO, MIPS
Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750  Routers, terminal servers,printers, terminals etc..
+61 2 47353013 (h)       SupportProgramming, shell scripting, "C", assembler
0414 353013 (mobile)     After uni, electronics tech
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting.Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by theimposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you tocontrol only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personaldata untouched!
Freetel-codec2 mailing list
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data
Freetel-codec2 mailing


Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
Consider Jesus.
Alan Beard               Unix Support Technician from 1984 to today
70 Wedmore Rd.           Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux, SCO, MIPS
Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750  Routers, terminal servers, printers, terminals etc..
+61 2 47353013 (h)       Support Programming, shell scripting, "C", assembler
0414 353013 (mobile)     After uni, electronics tech
