[Freetel-codec2] Help testing FreeDV integration
John Melton
2016-06-10 19:54:35 UTC

I have been developing software that works with the HPSDR radios that
runs on a Raspberry Pi 3 with the 7 inch touch screen.

I have integrated codec2 and the fdmdv modem into the code such that I
can select FREEDV as a mode just like USB, etc. I am using the
freedv_api interface in the code.

I have tested the code running between two radios in my own shack and
would like to test it on the air with someone using FreeDV.

Is there anyone in Europe that would be prepared to setup a schedule to
try a live test. My preference would be 20 Mtrs because of some antenna
restrictions I currently have. I have listened a lot on 14236 and 14240
but so far no signals.

Attached is a screen dump of the code receiving FreeDV signal sent
locally from another system, with the received text displayed at the
bottom of the panadapter. Still very prototype but seems to be working.


John g0orx/n6lyt
2016-06-10 21:07:01 UTC
Hi John,

I'm qrv in FREEDV in all modes (700B, 1400, 1600 and 1600 Wide) and always interested in test. I'll be back at home on Sunday. Please drop me an email whenever you will try a test.

73, Helmut, DC6NY

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: John Melton [mailto:***@googlemail.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 10. Juni 2016 21:55
An: freetel-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: [Freetel-codec2] Help testing FreeDV integration


I have been developing software that works with the HPSDR radios that runs on a Raspberry Pi 3 with the 7 inch touch screen.

I have integrated codec2 and the fdmdv modem into the code such that I can select FREEDV as a mode just like USB, etc. I am using the freedv_api interface in the code.

I have tested the code running between two radios in my own shack and would like to test it on the air with someone using FreeDV.

Is there anyone in Europe that would be prepared to setup a schedule to try a live test. My preference would be 20 Mtrs because of some antenna restrictions I currently have. I have listened a lot on 14236 and 14240 but so far no signals.

Attached is a screen dump of the code receiving FreeDV signal sent locally from another system, with the received text displayed at the bottom of the panadapter. Still very prototype but seems to be working.


John g0orx/n6lyt
John Melton
2016-06-10 21:36:04 UTC
Hi Helmut,

thanks. I only have 1600 implemented currently. I will be away also
until sometime Sunday and not sure what time I get home. I will drop
you an email when I do get home to see if we can try a test.


-- John g0orx/n6lyt
Post by Helmut
Hi John,
I'm qrv in FREEDV in all modes (700B, 1400, 1600 and 1600 Wide) and always interested in test. I'll be back at home on Sunday. Please drop me an email whenever you will try a test.
73, Helmut, DC6NY
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Gesendet: Freitag, 10. Juni 2016 21:55
Betreff: [Freetel-codec2] Help testing FreeDV integration
I have been developing software that works with the HPSDR radios that runs on a Raspberry Pi 3 with the 7 inch touch screen.
I have integrated codec2 and the fdmdv modem into the code such that I can select FREEDV as a mode just like USB, etc. I am using the freedv_api interface in the code.
I have tested the code running between two radios in my own shack and would like to test it on the air with someone using FreeDV.
Is there anyone in Europe that would be prepared to setup a schedule to try a live test. My preference would be 20 Mtrs because of some antenna restrictions I currently have. I have listened a lot on 14236 and 14240 but so far no signals.
Attached is a screen dump of the code receiving FreeDV signal sent locally from another system, with the received text displayed at the bottom of the panadapter. Still very prototype but seems to be working.
John g0orx/n6lyt
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