Jeroen Vreeken
2017-05-20 22:28:15 UTC
Hi all,
Today the new repeater controller for the PI2EHV (Eindhoven, JO21qk)
70cm repeater worked in mixed mode for the first time.
It can receive analog FM (using CTCSS) and FreeDV 2400B and will
transmit analog FM.
The new controller on top of the repeater and IRLP node:
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Jeroen PE1RXQ
Today the new repeater controller for the PI2EHV (Eindhoven, JO21qk)
70cm repeater worked in mixed mode for the first time.
It can receive analog FM (using CTCSS) and FreeDV 2400B and will
transmit analog FM.
The new controller on top of the repeater and IRLP node:
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Jeroen PE1RXQ