[Freetel-codec2] Backwards Compatibility
Mark Aitken
2015-09-22 04:29:05 UTC
Hi All,

I have the SM1000, yet to find the time to sit and play with it. As far
as I know, it has the software that was shipped with it from several
months ago, about June 2015.

With all that I am reading on here, with lower and lower bit rates being
trialed, will my SM1000 require re flashing with these newer builds or
are the builds that people are using backwardly compatible with earlier

Alternatively, is there a "roll your own guide", "Flashing guide" and a
repository of peoples builds that I could load into my SM1000?

Thanks for your help



David Rowe
2015-09-22 04:51:35 UTC
Hello Mark,

As FreeDV modes mature new SM1000 firmware will become available. The
current FreeDV modes in use are FreeDV 1600 and FreeDV 700B. The
current SM1000 firmware supports just FreeDV 1600 for now.

Notes on flashing and indeed building the SM1000 firmware is on the
SM1000 page, "Testing, Debugging, Development Notes".

I suspect we will end up with just 1 or 2 HF modes at the end of the
day, plus a VHF/UHF mode.


Post by Mark Aitken
Hi All,
I have the SM1000, yet to find the time to sit and play with it. As far
as I know, it has the software that was shipped with it from several
months ago, about June 2015.
With all that I am reading on here, with lower and lower bit rates being
trialed, will my SM1000 require re flashing with these newer builds or
are the builds that people are using backwardly compatible with earlier
Alternatively, is there a "roll your own guide", "Flashing guide" and a
repository of peoples builds that I could load into my SM1000?
Thanks for your help
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