[Freetel-codec2] 700C on Raspberry Pi
2017-01-15 18:12:09 UTC
I compiled the repository on a RPi, and ran the c2enc/c2dec on hts1.raw.

The resulting decoded audio raw was not compatible with the Ubunto 16
repository. This is the same problem I mentioned earlier. I'm trying
to decide which one is right.

I think the PI version is probably right, and the Ubuntu is wrong. The
reason I say that, is when I compiled my version the output is
compatible with the PI.

As a test, I used clang and it gave different results, but was only
off by 1 bit every 32 bytes.

I guess the answer is probably not important, as they both sound the
same to me. Anyway, I attached the pi.raw, if anyone wants to compare
audio :-)

If you use the 'xxd" program you can convert it to .hex and then
compare the hex files with "diff -s".

Have fun, Steve
