[Freetel-codec2] VHF SSB
Gordon Mcdonald
2016-02-26 08:14:03 UTC

I want to try FreeDV on VHF SSB. It seems that there may be a VHF SSB
version of the SM1000 in the pipeline or already available. Is either so?
I.f so does the VHF version have a different designator? Where can I get
one in Australia?

Thanks in anticipation of any info relating to this matter.

Gordon VK3EJ

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Bruce Perens
2016-02-26 15:23:16 UTC
Hi Gordon,

The only SSB version available is the FreeDV application and the SM-1000.
Though intended for HF, they work on SSB at any frequency. The VHF work
currently in development is for some form of FSK, which will work with the
non-linear amplifiers we generally use in handhelds.


Gordon Mcdonald
2016-02-26 22:20:53 UTC
Right thanks Bruce,

That would seem obvious but some implied info prompted the question --- will definitely give it a bash on VHF --- and HF too for that matter.


Gordon VK3EJ.

From: Bruce Perens [mailto:***@perens.com]
Sent: Saturday, 27 February 2016 2:23 AM
To: freetel-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Freetel-codec2] VHF SSB

Hi Gordon,

The only SSB version available is the FreeDV application and the SM-1000. Though intended for HF, they work on SSB at any frequency...............!



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David Rowe
2016-02-26 19:49:39 UTC
Hello Gordon,

The current FreeDV 1600 mode works just fine on VHF SSB - in fact I feel
it sounds better than SSB. You can use a SM1000 or the FreeDV GUI program.

We are also developing some other FreeDV modes especially for VHF/UHF.
More on that later.


I want to try FreeDV on VHF SSB. It seems that there may be a VHF SSB
version of the SM1000 in the pipeline or already available. Is either
so? I.f so does the VHF version have a different designator? Where
can I get one in Australia?
Thanks in anticipation of any info relating to this matter.
Gordon VK3EJ
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Gordon Mcdonald
2016-02-26 22:08:15 UTC
Thank you David,

Will order an SM1000 in an hour or so after walking the dog --- a morning
must. What it sounds like in relation to SSB is not relevant to my thing
which is whether or not it enables contact with stations at a lower level
---- which is a big maybe but will give it a bash.

Thanks again,

Gordon VK3EJ.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Rowe [mailto:***@rowetel.com]
Sent: Saturday, 27 February 2016 6:50 AM
To: freetel-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Freetel-codec2] VHF SSB

Hello Gordon,

The current FreeDV 1600 mode works just fine on VHF SSB - in fact I feel
it sounds better than SSB. You can use a SM1000 or the FreeDV GUI program.

We are also developing some other FreeDV modes especially for VHF/UHF.
More on that later.



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