Nice work Eric, great looking board.
The codec2-dev SVN repository is the best place to work from for the
stm32 code, check-out details on the Codec 2 page.
It should recover automatically from loss of sync without any
intervention PTT, maybe cross check with a sm1000 and earlier firmware.
On 31/08/16 13:45, *** wrote:
> Actually now have downloaded the latest code form Sourceforge. (only
> found that by accident)
> Was using the download from your website Dave and with a few changes it
> now seems to be more stable.
> I'm feeding voice audio into FreeDV on the PC and then demodulating that.
> I think now it looses sync when the PC glitches but it usually wont
> recover with out intervention like a quick PTT.
> I've been exploring the whole FreeDV thing for about 3 years now as I
> want the STM32 to generate I/Q signals for a SDR I am making, and have
> been using dsPIC in that for a while but wanted to generate the I/Q
> signals and decode them all in the one micro.
> Primarily for data more so than voice.
> I think now that this is working I can migrate it quite easily and will
> probably end up sticking with the ARM, as there is not much of a cost
> difference.
> The next build of the PCB attached has had the 5 Volt reg, Audio amp and
> EEPROM removed and looks at coming in at 50x26mm It can easily fit into
> the FT-817 on the main PCB with some double sided tape and by
> interrogating the radio via serial determine the mode of operation so no
> need for holes or buttons..
> As you point out the modem/FSK Datapump is actually what I am more
> interested in for that use and will provide some more scope for
> experimentation.
> This PCB design was a quick proof of concept and now that it seems to
> work ok I will have a look at cost effective manufacture if there is
> interest in it.
> Cheers
> Eric.
> On 2016-08-31 03:15, David Rowe wrote:
>> Oh yes and picture can be added as attachments, just keep them to a few
>> 100k. Or link to a URL. I'm happy to write a blog post on yr project
>> if you like, might get others interested.
>> Can think of other applications for yr module too - like in radio
>> modems/FSK work.
>> Cheers,
>> David
>> On 31/08/16 09:47, *** <mailto:***>wrote:
>>> I do have some pictures, I wasn't sure if they could be added as
>>> attachments. On this design to aid in layout simplicity and speed up
>>> the design (only spent 2 or 3 hours on it on a lazy Sunday arvo) I
>>> had swapped ADC and DAC pins. I foolishly thought it would be a
>>> matter of changing a few defines in the code to accommodate this (but
>>> was wrong). As it turned out even after recording all the ADC1/2 and
>>> DAC1/2 in the source I am not 100% convinced it worked as when I am
>>> feeding audio from the PC the error LED cycles in and out when there
>>> is no modulation. As soon as there is modulation on the audio to the
>>> PC the error light stays off. RT light stays on fine. I thought
>>> initially that there may have been a porting issue with the tuning
>>> and hence the slow cycling but since then I have modified the PCB so
>>> that the inputs are reversed and can use the original firmware with
>>> only changes of the GPIO's for the switches and LED's. Acts the same
>>> way so I have to ask if this is normal when there is no modulation on
>>> the data stream? As for circuits I am now re-hashing the board layout
>>> to remove the speaker amp, 5volt regulator and EEPROM to save space
>>> as none of these are needed when installed into a radio. I am also
>>> returning the ADC and DAC pins to original so that the only code that
>>> needs changing is that for the switches and LED's That will make the
>>> hardware generic and then I will get a quote for having it made
>>> cheaply in China if people are interested. Cheers Eric. On 2016-08-31
>>> 00:24, David Rowe wrote:
>>>> Nice work Eric. Do you have any photos? Good to see this sort of
>>>> innovation happening with codec 2 and the open hardware SM1000
>>>> platform. Also it would be great if you can publish your
>>>> hardware/software work under the GPL/TAPR open hardware licenses for
>>>> others to build upon. Cheers, David On 28/08/16 09:37,
>>>> *** <mailto:***> <mailto:***
>>>> <mailto:***>>wrote:
>>>>> No confusion and thanks for the input. In the end looks like my
>>>>> windows DFuSe was not working correctly and I found that DFU-UTILS
>>>>> could be installed with a simple apt-get function and I didnt need
>>>>> to build it. From there DFU-UTILS happily installed the 210,080
>>>>> byte .BIN (didnt need to be converted) and I could immediately tell
>>>>> it worked because it took roughly 30 seconds to down load to the
>>>>> hardware. So the modified code for the new hardware works (although
>>>>> as the new hardware uses different ADC pins the changes are not
>>>>> trivial). Now I will go back to evaluating various IDE's because
>>>>> this is not an environment that makes code development very easy or
>>>>> efficient. Basically right now I am editing in an IDE on a windows
>>>>> machine via a network drive and then making on the Ubuntu machine.
>>>>> The hardware tested ok and I now have an SM1000 that fits into a
>>>>> match box so I can put it inside a speaker microphone. I am however
>>>>> now redesigning the PCB to reduce it a further 20% in size (mainly
>>>>> removal of more un-needed parts, 5V reg, EEPROM, and speaker
>>>>> amplifier) with the plan to graft it into my FT817 so that it is
>>>>> activated when the digital mode is selected. I am also putting the
>>>>> ADC pins back where they were so that people need only change the
>>>>> sm1000_leds_switches.c code to reflect the pin changes. I will
>>>>> eventually rewrite the code so that the ADC's and GPIO's are
>>>>> defined in a single .h hardware definition to make the code
>>>>> hardware portable. I do this as a general rule of thumb so that for
>>>>> example in this case every time the hardware changes the 56 (or
>>>>> more) instances of ADC1/2 all dont need to be edited. Cheers Eric
>>>>> On 2016-08-24 15:04, Walter Holmes wrote:
>>>>>> Steve, I hope this doesn't just add more to the confusion, but the
>>>>>> .bin file for the SM1000 is about 227k that is flashed from Linux,
>>>>>> but if I extract that same code down to my Windows machine using
>>>>>> the DFU program it's 1025k. I am not part of the code team, so I
>>>>>> have no idea why there is such a difference, but that's just an
>>>>>> observation I have witnessed. I say this only so that you don't
>>>>>> let the code size between environments make you think it's not
>>>>>> still correct. Try it out to see what happens. I suspect the
>>>>>> Windows side probably has a lot of extra overhead as do most
>>>>>> Windows apps, and clearly the Linux side is a great deal more
>>>>>> efficient. All the best, Walter/K5WH -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Steve [mailto:***
>>>>>> <mailto:***> <mailto:***
>>>>>> <mailto:***>> <mailto:***
>>>>>> <mailto:***> <mailto:***
>>>>>> <mailto:***>>>] Sent: Wednesday, August 24,
>>>>>> 2016 3:33 AM To: freetel-***
>>>>>> <mailto:freetel-***>
>>>>>> <mailto:freetel-***
>>>>>> <mailto:freetel-***>>
>>>>>> <mailto:freetel-***
>>>>>> <mailto:freetel-***>
>>>>>> <mailto:freetel-***
>>>>>> <mailto:freetel-***>>> Subject: Re:
>>>>>> [Freetel-codec2] Fresh build of SM1000 firmware on a windows
>>>>>> machine. Just a note, but on my Ubuntu 16 32-bit Virtual Box, it
>>>>>> resulted in 1305108 for the sm1000.elf, and after the 'objcopy'
>>>>>> conversion, the .bin result was 305884. I had to download the V
>>>>>> 1.7.1 ZIP file manually, as the web site gave me a short version
>>>>>> that was gimped and wouldn't unzip. I just downloaded it manually
>>>>>> after registering and put it in the 'dl' directory. Also the name
>>>>>> changed to so I dropped the 'en.'
>>>>>> before putting it in 'dl'. I hope all that makes sense.
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