[Freetel-codec2] Sm1000
2017-05-22 23:41:51 UTC
Not sure about your radio but my ft897 works well with the Sm1000. Only thing is yasue number the rj45 backwards and there is to rx audio at the mic socket. So a lead to the ext speaker works for me
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1. Re: Mixed mode UHF repeater (David Ranch)
2. Re: Mixed mode UHF repeater (Jeroen Vreeken)
3. Please prominently suggest a file suffix for codec2 encoded
files (Frieder Ferlemann)
4. Re: Please prominently suggest a file suffix for codec2
encoded files (Bruce Perens)
5. Re: Please prominently suggest a file suffix for codec2
encoded files (Kevin Otte)
6. Re: Please prominently suggest a file suffix for codec2
encoded files (Albert Cahalan)
7. sm1000 with ts-480 (Oguzhan Kayhan)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 08:54:36 -0700
Subject: Re: [Freetel-codec2] Mixed mode UHF repeater
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
Hello Joroen,
Very cool and thanks for sharing! So is the DR1X in AMS mode so it
supports C4FM, analog FM, or what I assume is FreeDV2400B over analog
FM? Did you do anything special to the DR1X here? On the software
side, what are you running? BrandMiester? Svxlink? Something else?
Hi all,
Today the new repeater controller for the PI2EHV (Eindhoven, JO21qk)
70cm repeater worked in mixed mode for the first time.
It can receive analog FM (using CTCSS) and FreeDV 2400B and will
transmit analog FM.
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Jeroen PE1RXQ
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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 18:42:42 +0200
Subject: Re: [Freetel-codec2] Mixed mode UHF repeater
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
Hi David,
Hello Joroen,
Very cool and thanks for sharing! So is the DR1X in AMS mode so it
supports C4FM, analog FM, or what I assume is FreeDV2400B over analog
FM? Did you do anything special to the DR1X here? On the software
side, what are you running? BrandMiester? Svxlink? Something else?
The DR-1X is in base mode and fixed to FM in and out.
I would have liked to use AMS on the receiver (which would have made it
a tripple mode repeater) but the DR-1X logic just won't let me....
(Squelch signal drops the moment you touch the PTT in AMS mode which
make repeating very hard)
On the software side it is running my own software: DML
The repeater is also connected to IRLP, but this is done via an
box. (Just some extra audio in/out and ptt/cos logic)
I am looking if it would be hard to bridge echolink and DML, but since
that is all software will probably have to wait untill the repeater is
back at its home).
Jeroen PE1RXQ
Message: 3
Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 20:16:17 +0200
Subject: [Freetel-codec2] Please prominently suggest a file suffix for
codec2 encoded files
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
and thanks for Codec 2!
Maybe I'm just overlooking something but I couldn't find a recommended
file suffix for codec 2.
The examples in
use the suffix ".bit" appended after "_c2" after the stripped file
So encoded files in the README look like "hts1a_c2.bit".
This is awkward because
a) ".bit" is too generic (as such used for many formats) and
b) "_c2" will be a challenge for file browsers.
Please suggest a 3 letter and a 4 letter suffix for codec2 encoded
Thanks again,
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 11:28:33 -0700
Subject: Re: [Freetel-codec2] Please prominently suggest a file suffix
for codec2 encoded files
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
See https://www.xiph.org/ogg/doc/rfc3533.txt . Make it work with the
Ogg Encapsulation Format.
On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 11:16 AM, Frieder Ferlemann
and thanks for Codec 2!
Maybe I'm just overlooking something but I couldn't find a
recommended file suffix for codec 2.
The examples in
use the suffix ".bit" appended after "_c2" after the stripped file
So encoded files in the README look like "hts1a_c2.bit".
This is awkward because
a) ".bit" is too generic (as such used for many formats) and
b) "_c2" will be a challenge for file browsers.
Please suggest a 3 letter and a 4 letter suffix for codec2 encoded
Thanks again,
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Message: 5
Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 16:35:44 -0400
Subject: Re: [Freetel-codec2] Please prominently suggest a file suffix
for codec2 encoded files
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
See https://www.xiph.org/ogg/doc/rfc3533.txt . Make it work with the
Ogg Encapsulation Format.
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 17:14:28 -0400
Subject: Re: [Freetel-codec2] Please prominently suggest a file suffix
for codec2 encoded files
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
See https://www.xiph.org/ogg/doc/rfc3533.txt . Make it work with the
Ogg Encapsulation Format.
Either way, it still needs a file suffix.
The idea that "ogg" would work for arbitrary audio/video data has been
a disaster. Apps claim the file extension, but can't decode all
ways of encoding the data. You may have 5 apps that handle a format,
covering all possible encodings in total, but no app handles
This is why TIFF never caught on, but JFIF and PNG and GIF were fine.
You can toss JPEG2000 or JBIG2 or Wang vector markup in a TIFF,
and even 2 different JPEG storage styles. Good luck with reliable
For the most part, users gave up. They reject it. Web browsers don't
In actual usage, the "ogg" suffix is Vorbis audio. That is all.
You can't even safely use the container format unless you can mark the
header at a fixed offset with a clear indicator that will ensure that
magic never just claims "ogg", because that would imply Vorbis. You'll
get files saved as "ogg" and served up with a MIME type that doesn't
make it clear that codec2 is in use. Files won't play right.
Matroska: filename.mk2 (Mac type MAT2)
Ogg: filename.og2 (Mac type OGG2)
Headerless: filename.codec2 (Mac type DEC2)
MIME type: prefix the file extension with "audio/", w/o "x-"
That said, Matroska and Ogg are only suitable if file magic is
trivial. There must
not be any chance of misdirecting the data to a Vorbis-only player or
Message: 7
Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 00:48:31 +0300
Subject: [Freetel-codec2] sm1000 with ts-480
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Just had a Sm1000 and tried to connect to my TS-480
Had a few problems.
1st Problem
When i tried to connect via RJ45 port.
PTT works fine after setting up the cables on patch panel.
But audio was just humming noise when tx (from monitor of the radio)
2nd Problem
Gave up connecting via rj45 and tried the 3.5mm sockets.
Audio was fine but no ptt (i measure about 120-130ohms of impedance
ptt but it just doesnt ptt)
So made a backup solution and connected just ptt cables to 13 and 14
on patch panel... now i got both ptt and nice outgoing audio..
Problem 3.. No sound at all on onboard speaker..But if i connect
speaker i can rx the audio.. Onboad doesnt produce any sound..nothing
So, do i have a malfunctiond device or a cabling issue jumpers vs...
Any help will be appreciated.
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End of Freetel-codec2 Digest, Vol 83, Issue 10
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.